Friday 2 December 2011


I should be happy, but I'm not. I logged into one of those websites today and had a message from a guy I really fancy. The message turned into chat, which turned into a really rather interesting exchange of photos.

So. I should be happy, right?

Here's the thing. Two and I do not have an open relationship. We're comfortable enough with each other that if we both like a Number Three (a rare occurrence), then bang, bang, boom, boom!

Three's allowed, the two of us is allowed (obviously) but NO SOLO FLIGHTS.

I showed Two the guy's profile and he made that face. Not a good start. Also, it became pretty apparent from the chat portion of the exchange that, despite us having met, in passing, on several occasions, he has no clue who I am. That says to me that in real life, I'm flying under his radar.

So, I'm left with a stack of filthy photos and blue balls, because it's never going to happen.

Of course, I'm keeping the pictures.